About Us

Bee Sure About us

Joe Riordan established Bee Sure during Spring 2022.

Bee experts in Australia Bee Sure assists horticultural businesses in pollination service assessments to ensure value for money when purchasing pollination services. Also assists Beekeepers in assessments of hives measured against the National Honeybee Biosecurity CODE of Practice.

Who Do We Work With

Bee Sure work with Fruit, Nut ,Vegetable producers, Commercial seed growers or bee keeping entities in Australia requiring an independent assessment and report on bee hive strength and health.

Bee Experts Bee Sure's Extensive Experience 

Trade qualified in Horticulture, Diploma in Natural Resource Management and Bachelor of Environmental Science.

Education / Training 

Joe Riordan's journey in beekeeping began over 40 years ago and now with over 22 years’ experience in honey bee colony health as an apiary inspector for the Victorian Government including being the recipient of a 2019 Australian Biosecurity Award with the Victorian Apiary Program. Bee Sure can bring all that experience together to give truly independent assessments on honey bee hive health and strength.

Years of experience in the sector 

Mandatory training and regulatory requirement detail

Working with Victorian Government included the preparation and actions during emergency response including fire, flood and biosecurity emergencies understanding the broad reaches and implications of these events.

Get In Touch To Work With Us

Bee Sure currently services South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales 

Get in touch for a quote